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FREE Course 'Break The All Or Nothing Approach to Food and Weight'

The "How To Stop The All Or Nothing Approach to Food and Weight Loss" Course

(without willpower, self control or self discipline!)

This is a 5 part course worth over £249....for a limited time you can access it immediately completely free of charge! Click on the link below to get started.....

The Hungry Soul Book

Are you an emotional eater, binge eater or obsessed with food?

Get a copy of my #1 Best Seller book including £149 of free bonuses!

AMAZON review 5/5:

"What a great book! So many books tell us what to eat and when. This teaches so much more! Listening to your body, trusting yourself. Easy read. You'll want more!"

Weight Loss Reset Brain Training Bootcamp

Access the Step-by-Step Program Created by Subconscious Mind Expert Rachel That Has Helped Thousands of Women Stop Over Eating and Regain Control of Their Relationship with Food.



The ReWire Your Weight Membership

Our 12 month low cost membership course designed to tackle binge eating, emotional eating, over eating and food obsession at its root.

This membership course allows participants to learn the ReWire Your Weight Method at their own pace. It’s ideal for self-starters and those who prefer to explore the material independently with the support of a like minded group of women and expert help along the way

£147 for the entire 12 months

The ReWire Your Weight Program

An 8 week eating psychology + brain based group program with 1:1 support to help women over 40 stop overeating and lose weight for the last time

The ReWire Your Weight Program is the solution to sustainable weight loss through a harmonious blend of psychotherapy and neuroscience, designed exclusively for women over 40. This unique 8 week journey is about losing the weight you want to by rewiring your relationship with food at the deepest level, ensuring that the changes are not just temporary but last a lifetime.

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