Instead they try to be strict with themselves relying on discipline, willpower and self control. They think if they resist their binge foods long enough, binge eating will miraculously disappear.
Perhaps you’re TRYING the same….maybe you’ve been trying for years?
So how is that approach working for you gorgeous?
It didn’t work for me. At all.
For 14 years I was a secret binge eating, turning to food whenever I felt out of control in my life, which happened often.
This program is designed for anyone who answers ‘YES’ to ANY of these questions.
We start with exploring what binge eating actually is and what the most common triggers are. We’ll explore food rules, diet culture and the desire for weight loss or fear of weight gain. We’ll also look into what your specific triggers are and where they are coming from and I’ll give you the tools so your current triggers are no longer triggers moving forward.
BONUS – Eating Made Easy MP3
How to relax, break the cycle of overwhelm and learn to switch your mind into instant calmness. Learning the tools I use all the time to ground myself, reconnect to my body and trust what I hear. Binge eating can be defused when we learn to cope with stress, overwhelm, anxiety and fear so during week 2 I’ll be giving you everything I have to show you how relaxation and switching your mindset is the key to becoming binge free.
BONUS – Relaxation Meditation MP3
Tapping or EFT for Binge Eating. I’ve used this bizarre tool for over a decade and in week 3 I’ll be showing you what tapping is and how to use it specifically for binge eating. I’ll share with you a crazy tapping based exercise which literally stops binges instantly and it’s something I discovered by accident whilst working with someone years ago! We will also explore you Inner Child and why the little girl inside you is more than likely in charge of your binge eating so I’ll show you how tapping can really help you and her to stop using food in the way you do.
BONUS – Binge Eating Stop technique MP3
Rewriting your beliefs and choosing your identity by tapping into your future self. We’ll explore how your mindset is created and how you can change it by choice and I’ll share with you some of the things which can instantly shift your beliefs around binge eating. When our mind no longer believes we binge eat…..we don’t binge eat! That’s why willpower and self control won’t ever help as the key is to shift your inner beliefs. That’s what week 4 is all about
BONUS – Free From Binge Eating MP3
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